Deep State Lies

The Awakening
"For those of you less familiar with the State of Affairs worldwide allow Me, your planet's Commander-in-Chief to enlighten you as to who the "Deep State" is and what they have done in the world to change things.
First, the Deep State is not the friend of man. They are not really even friends to each other for that are all opportunistic, greedy, liars, cheats, rapists, child traffickers, and much, much worse than even these if that is possible.
They lie to manipulate public opinion to get voted into controlling positions over others and when lying doesn't work they cheat. When cheating doesn't work they are not above murdering those who get in the way or who "blow their cover" if you will.
The likes of these have ruined all that is good and still they want to destroy more.
Their end is coming you can be sure of it for I will see to it.
I have seen every evil under the sun committed by these who worship evil for the sake of power and prestige, money and sex.
It disgusts Me for I did not create man to be this way and sadly this time I will include women for many women have chosen to be with these evil men and their end is coming soon too.
Now for many years now I have inspired men and women to come forward to tell the truth and they have suffered much at the hands of others, i.e., name calling, being ostracized for their truth telling, family rejection and loss of livelihood.
I will repay My truth tellers for I sent them. Their revenge is Mine to establish, and I shall.
My message to those of you today who have lagged behind so many in waking up is this...wake up now for now is the hour of your salvation, now!
I will not hear your excuses for ignoring My warnings. They will fall on deaf ears.
I will not excuse you for My people suffered to try and wake you up!
Now the days are just ahead when tribulation will come.
No, you have not yet seen the worst in your lives.
It is coming!
Because you refuse to believe the truth but rather you cling to the lies of My enemies - the Deep State.
But let Me tell you some truth here straight from My own mouth.
The Deep State can't hold a candle to My worse enemy - the devil himself and those with him.
All of the evil the Deep State has done and yet they are not serving the devil...not yet!
But even when they do, he will devour them just as easily as they have harmed others for he does not love anyone.
So the end is coming for those who chose evil whether they served the Deep State or the devil himself.
In My Mind they are the same evil.
It's just ahead!
If you have not made your choice known to the heavens as to whom you wish to serve, your time is almost up, so choose this day whom you will serve.
Good or evil?
It's black or white and no in between.
Which will it be?"


"All life is plainly black or white. There are both good and evil in the world and the decisions made while here does determine your eternity. Be careful then how you do choose to live in this world for the innocent shall be avenged."

Available Books

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